Rubrix CookbookĀ¶

This guide is a collection of recipes. It shows examples for using Rubrix with some of the most popular NLP Python libraries.

Rubrix is agnostic, it can be used with any library or framework, no need to implement any interface or modify your existing toolbox and workflows.

With these examples youā€™ll be able to start exploring and annnotating data with these libraries or get some inspiration if your library of choice is not in this guide.

If you miss a library in this guide, leave a message at the Rubrix Github forum.

Hugging Face TransformersĀ¶

Hugging Face has made working with NLP easier than ever before. With a few lines of code we can take a pretrained Transformer model from the Hub, start making some predictions and log them into Rubrix.

[ ]:
%pip install torch
%pip install transformers
%pip install datasets

Text ClassificationĀ¶


Letā€™s try a zero-shot classifier using typeform/distilbert-base-uncased-mnli for predicting the topic of a sentence.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
from transformers import pipeline

input_text = "I love watching rock climbing competitions!"

# We define our HuggingFace Pipeline
classifier = pipeline(

# Making the prediction
prediction = classifier(
    candidate_labels=['World', 'Sports', 'Business', 'Sci/Tech'],
    hypothesis_template="This text is about {}.",

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (label, probability)
prediction = list(zip(prediction["labels"], prediction["scores"]))

# Building a TextClassificationRecord
record = rb.TextClassificationRecord(

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="zeroshot-topic-classifier")


Letā€™s read a Rubrix dataset, prepare a training set and use the Trainer API for fine-tuning a distilbert-base-uncased model. Take into account that a labelled_dataset is expected to be found in your Rubrix client.

[ ]:
from datasets import Dataset
import rubrix as rb

# load rubrix dataset
df = rb.load('labelled_dataset')

# inputs can be dicts to support multifield classifiers, we just use the text here.
df['text'] = df.inputs.transform(lambda r: r['text'])

# we flatten the annotations and create a dict for turning labels into numeric ids
df['labels'] = df.annotation.transform(lambda r: r[0])
label2id = {label:id for id,label in enumerate(set(df.labels.values))}

# create šŸ¤— dataset from pandas with labels as numeric ids
dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(df[['text', 'labels']])
dataset = example: {'labels': label2id[example['labels']]})
[ ]:
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from transformers import Trainer

# from here, it's just regular fine-tuning with šŸ¤— transformers
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-uncased")
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-uncased", num_labels=4)

def tokenize_function(examples):
    return tokenizer(examples["text"], padding="max_length", truncation=True)

train_dataset =, batched=True).shuffle(seed=42)

trainer = Trainer(model=model, train_dataset=train_dataset)


Token ClassificationĀ¶

We will explore a DistilBERT NER classifier fine-tuned for NER using the conll03 English dataset.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
from transformers import pipeline

input_text = "My name is Sarah and I live in London"

# We define our HuggingFace Pipeline
classifier = pipeline(

# Making the prediction
predictions = classifier(

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (entity, start_char, end_char)
prediction = [(pred["entity"], pred["start"], pred["end"]) for pred in predictions]

# Building a TokenClassificationRecord
record = rb.TokenClassificationRecord(

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="zeroshot-ner")


spaCy offers industrial-strength Natural Language Processing, with support for 64+ languages, trained pipelines, multi-task learning with pretrained Transformers, pretrained word vectors and much more.

[ ]:
%pip install spacy

Token ClassificationĀ¶

We will focus our spaCy recipes into Token Classification tasks, showing you how to log data from NER and POS tagging.


For this recipe, we are going to try the French language model to extract NER entities from some sentences.

[ ]:
!python -m spacy download fr_core_news_sm
[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
import spacy

input_text = "Paris a un enfant et la forĆŖt a un oiseau ; lā€™oiseau sā€™appelle le moineau ; lā€™enfant sā€™appelle le gamin"

# Loading spaCy model
nlp = spacy.load("fr_core_news_sm")

# Creating spaCy doc
doc = nlp(input_text)

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (entity, start_char, end_char)
prediction = [(ent.label_, ent.start_char, ent.end_char) for ent in doc.ents]

# Building TokenClassificationRecord
record = rb.TokenClassificationRecord(
    tokens=[token.text for token in doc],

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="lesmiserables-ner")

POS taggingĀ¶

Changing very few parameters, we can make a POS tagging experiment, instead of NER. Letā€™s try it out with the same input sentence.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
import spacy

input_text = "Paris a un enfant et la forĆŖt a un oiseau ; lā€™oiseau sā€™appelle le moineau ; lā€™enfant sā€™appelle le gamin"

# Loading spaCy model
nlp = spacy.load("fr_core_news_sm")

# Creating spaCy doc
doc = nlp(input_text)

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (tag, start_char, end_char)
prediction = [(token.pos_, token.idx, token.idx + len(token)) for token in doc]

# Building TokenClassificationRecord
record = rb.TokenClassificationRecord(
    tokens=[token.text for token in doc],

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="lesmiserables-pos")


Itā€™s a framework that provides a state-of-the-art NLP library, a text embedding library and a PyTorch framework for NLP. Flair offers sequence tagging language models in English, Spanish, Dutch, German and many more, and they are also hosted on HuggingFace Model Hub.

[ ]:
%pip install flair

If you get an error message when trying to import flair due to issues for downloading the wordnet_ic package try running the following and manually download the wordnet_ic package (available under the All Packages tab). Otherwise you can skip this cell.

[ ]:
import nltk
import ssl

    _create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
    ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context

Text ClassificationĀ¶

Zero-shot and Few-shot classifiersĀ¶

Flair enables you to use few-shot and zero-shot learning for text classification with Task-aware representation of sentences (TARS), introduced by Halder et al.Ā (2020), see Flairā€™s documentation for more details.

Letā€™s see an example of the base zero-shot TARS model:

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
from flair.models import TARSClassifier
from import Sentence

# Load our pre-trained TARS model for English
tars = TARSClassifier.load('tars-base')

# Define labels
labels = ["happy", "sad"]

# Create a sentence
input_text = "I am so glad you liked it!"
sentence = Sentence(input_text)

# Predict for these labels
tars.predict_zero_shot(sentence, labels)

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (label, probability)
prediction = [(pred.value, pred.score) for pred in sentence.labels]

# Building a TextClassificationRecord
record = rb.TextClassificationRecord(

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="en-emotion-zeroshot")

Custom and pre-trained classifiersĀ¶

Letā€™s see an example with Deutch offensive language model.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
from flair.models import TextClassifier
from import Sentence

input_text = "Du erzƤhlst immer Quatsch."  # something like: "You are always narrating silliness."

# Load our pre-trained classifier
classifier = TextClassifier.load("de-offensive-language")

# Creating Sentence object
sentence = Sentence(input_text)

# Make the prediction
classifier.predict(sentence, multi_class_prob=True)

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (label, probability)
prediction = [(pred.value, pred.score) for pred in sentence.labels]

# Building a TextClassificationRecord
record = rb.TextClassificationRecord(

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="german-offensive-language")

Token ClassificationĀ¶

Flair offers a lot of tools for Token Classification, supporting tasks like named entity recognition (NER), part-of-speech tagging (POS), special support for biomedical data, etc. with a growing number of supported languages.

Letā€™s see some examples for NER and POS tagging.


In this example, we will try the pretrained Dutch NER model from Flair.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
from import Sentence
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

input_text = "De Nachtwacht is in het Rijksmuseum"

# Loading our NER model from flair
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-dutch")

# Creating Sentence object
sentence = Sentence(input_text)

# run NER over sentence

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (entity, start_char, end_char)
prediction = [
    (entity.get_labels()[0].value, entity.start_pos, entity.end_pos)
    for entity in sentence.get_spans("ner")

# Building a TokenClassificationRecord
record = rb.TokenClassificationRecord(
    tokens=[token.text for token in sentence],

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="dutch-flair-ner")

POS taggingĀ¶

In the following snippet we will use de multilingual POS tagging model from Flair.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
from import Sentence
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

input_text = "George Washington went to Washington. Dort kaufte er einen Hut."

# Loading our POS tagging model from flair
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/upos-multi")

# Creating Sentence object
sentence = Sentence(input_text)

# run NER over sentence

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (entity, start_char, end_char)
prediction = [
    (entity.get_labels()[0].value, entity.start_pos, entity.end_pos)
    for entity in sentence.get_spans()

# Building a TokenClassificationRecord
record = rb.TokenClassificationRecord(
    tokens=[token.text for token in sentence],

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="flair-pos-tagging")


Stanza is a collection of efficient tools for many NLP tasks and processes, all in one library. Itā€™s maintained by the Standford NLP Group. We are going to take a look at a few interactions that can be done with Rubrix.

[ ]:
%pip install stanza

Text ClassificationĀ¶

Letā€™s start by using a Sentiment Analysis model to log some TextClassificationRecords.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
import stanza

input_text = (
    "There are so many NLP libraries available, I don't know which one to choose!"

# Downloading our model, in case we don't have it cached"en")

# Creating the pipeline
nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang="en", processors="tokenize,sentiment")

# Analizing the input text
doc = nlp(input_text)

# This model returns 0 for negative, 1 for neutral and 2 for positive outcome.
# We are going to log them into Rubrix using a dictionary to translate numbers to labels.
num_to_labels = {0: "negative", 1: "neutral", 2: "positive"}

# Build a prediction entities list
# Stanza, at the moment, only output the most likely label without probability.
# So we will suppouse Stanza predicts the most likely label with 1.0 probability, and the rest with 0.
entities = []

for _, sentence in enumerate(doc.sentences):
    for key in num_to_labels:
        if key == sentence.sentiment:
            entities.append((num_to_labels[key], 1))
            entities.append((num_to_labels[key], 0))

# Building a TextClassificationRecord
record = rb.TextClassificationRecord(

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="stanza-sentiment")

Token ClassificationĀ¶

Stanza offers so many different pretrained language models for Token Classification Tasks, and the list does not stop growing.

POS taggingĀ¶

We can use one of the many UD models, used for POS tags, morphological features and syntantic relations. UD stands for Universal Dependencies, the framework where these models has been trained. For this example, letā€™s try to extract POS tags of some Catalan lyrics.

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
import stanza

# Loading a cool Obrint Pas lyric
input_text = "Viure mantenint viva la flama a travƩs del temps. La flama de tot un poble en moviment"

# Downloading our model, in case we don't have it cached"ca")

# Creating the pipeline
nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang="ca", processors="tokenize,mwt,pos")

# Analizing the input text
doc = nlp(input_text)

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (tag, start_char, end_char)
prediction = [
    (word.pos, token.start_char, token.end_char)
    for sent in doc.sentences
    for token in sent.tokens
    for word in token.words

# Building a TokenClassificationRecord
record = rb.TokenClassificationRecord(
    tokens=[word.text for sent in doc.sentences for word in sent.words],

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="stanza-catalan-pos")


Stanza also offers a list of available pretrained models for NER tasks. So, letā€™s try Russian

[ ]:
import rubrix as rb
import stanza

input_text = (
    "Š“ŠµŃ€Ń€Š°-Šø-ŠŸŠ°Ń - Š¾Š“Š½Š° ŠøŠ· Š¼Š¾Šøх Š»ŃŽŠ±ŠøŠ¼Ń‹Ń… ŠŗŠ½ŠøŠ³"  # War and Peace is one my favourite books

# Downloading our model, in case we don't have it cached"ru")

# Creating the pipeline
nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang="ru", processors="tokenize,ner")

# Analizing the input text
doc = nlp(input_text)

# Creating the prediction entity as a list of tuples (entity, start_char, end_char)
prediction = [
    (token.ner, token.start_char, token.end_char)
    for sent in doc.sentences
    for token in sent.tokens

# Building a TokenClassificationRecord
record = rb.TokenClassificationRecord(
    tokens=[word.text for sent in doc.sentences for word in sent.words],

# Logging into Rubrix
rb.log(records=record, name="stanza-russian-ner")